Shortly before I decided to quit dating apps for good, I matched with a guy who was four years younger than me. For context, I was 40 at the time. After a rather tedious to and fro covering what we did for work and whether or not I’m a member of Soho House (I’m not), I was seriously questioning my decision to do this to myself again. And then he hit me with it: “So you’re a cougar, are you?”
Excuse me? Am I a what? To repeat, he was all of four years younger than I am but here he was, talking to me like I was Stifler’s Mom! We could have been at school together! He would have ticked the same 35-40 box that I would on any customer service questionnaire. Was it that he viewed me as being significantly older than he was, or rather that he thought of himself as being much younger than he actually was? Either way, I was pissed and deleted the dating apps right there and then.
I have never liked the “cougar” label. I don’t particularly like Milf (mother I’d like to f**k) either, but we’ll get to that one later. For the uninitiated, a “cougar” is defined in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “a middle-aged woman seeking a romantic relationship with a younger man.”
Now, if we are being literal, I did fit that description when I reacted so violently to the Tinder Twerp. Obviously, I am planning on living to 100, but I will concede that the average life expectancy in the UK is 81 years old and 40 is midway through that. I am middle-aged and I actually really like being the age I am. I have no problem with being described as “middle aged” at all.
It’s also true that I was potentially interested in a romantic relationship with a “younger man” during that exchange, what with him being a whole four years younger than me. I have dated men younger than me, some of them a whopping five years younger than me, and have no issue with any woman who wants to do likewise. So what is it that I find so objectionable to being called a cougar?
I hate it because it categorises women’s sexuality into young and old, and then others the older woman as something exotic and unusual. It can’t be that women just continue enjoying sex into middle age and beyond, oh no. These women need to have a special word that singles them out as something distinct from other women, and what’s worse, it’s a word that frames their sexuality as predatory.
As soon as you hit 40, if you want to have sex with a man younger than you are, you now have a new sexual identity imposed upon you. You are no longer a woman simply hoping to kick her heels up with a man who might be able to go more than once in the same night. No, you are now a carnivorous cat that kills its prey by crushing their windpipe. Hurrah.
The “cougar” label is often framed as something sex-positive, liberating even. This was certainly the angle the producers of the 2009 sitcom Cougar Town were taking when they invited us to follow the sexual antics of a newly divorced, middle-aged woman, played by Courtney Cox. Look! There’s a middle-aged woman dating a man younger than she is! You go, girl! How fabulously feminist. Well, it’s not. It’s shit. Slapping such a label on a middle-aged woman hoping to get laid only highlights what it is that society finds so appalling about her, i.e. her age and her sexual behaviour. That’s not feminist. It’s judgemental and ageist.
What would be feminist is if that dynamic was not worthy of comment at all. Cougar implies something predatory and slightly wily, as if this woman has stalked a younger man down like he is dinner. Are we saying that an older woman wouldn’t be able to bag a younger lover without some kind of hunting strategy to trap him? I hate it.
You can tell the “cougar” label is a product of patriarchy by the very simple fact that there is no male equivalent to it. No one is calling Leonardo DiCaprio a “panther” for dating women in their twenties. No one is calling Ryan Reynolds a “mountain lion” because he is 11 years older than his wife Blake Lively. Why? Because for the longest time an older man dating a younger woman has not only been the norm, but aspirational.
It’s still the case today. According to the Pew Research Centre, “across religions and regions, women are younger than their male partners.” It’s only now, in the wake of Me Too, that eyebrows are starting to be raised about significant age gaps in romantic relationships, but they are not given cutesy names, are they?
The closest male equivalent would be “sugar daddy”, but that’s not so much about age as it is about wealth. Webster defines a sugar daddy as “a well-to-do usually older man who supports or spends lavishly on a mistress, girlfriend, or boyfriend”. This isn’t about fetishising age as it is about a financial exchange, and you do get “sugar mummies” as well.
No, the cougar stands alone because, as a society, we still aren’t comfortable with women enjoying sex into middle age and beyond, and we are especially uncomfortable with an older woman having sex with a younger man. So much so, that we must give it a name to make sure we have singled these woman out as being different from the others. It’s a like a linguistic scarlet letter.
There is a pervasive stereotype that women will fade in to asexual obscurity as they age. Or that when the menopause arrives it sweeps away any and all interest in sex and replaces a once raging libido with a muted urge to crochet and make jam. It is a misogynistic narrative we see all around us that values women only for their reproductive capacities, and dismisses the sexuality of older women as something perverse, unnatural even.
We see so few desirable older women in cinema that Amy Schumer wrote her famous “Last F**kable Day” sketch, which saw Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Tina Fey, and Patricia Arquette all having a picnic to mark the last day Louis-Dreyfus would be regarded as f**kable in Hollywood. The scene ends with Louis-Dreyfus rowing away in a boat while the others “celebrate how f**kable she was for so many years”. It’s a funny sketch, but the stereotype of the asexual, older woman has serious real-life implications. This narrative is so strong that there is research to show that gynaecologists often fail to ask older women about their sex lives as they assume they don’t have one.
And as I discovered, you don’t have to be particularly old, or even that much older than your partner to garner the label of “cougar”. In the interest of research, I have read through just about every “Hollywood’s Sexiest Cougar” list out there and most of them are averaging a 10-year age difference. We wouldn’t even bat an eyelid at a man dating a woman ten years younger than he is.
In fact, I remember Keanu Reeves being called a “hero” because he started dating someone his own age, when the woman in question, Alexandra Grant, is actually eight years younger than he is. Just for context, a six-year age difference between Nicole Scherzinger and Lewis Hamilton was enough to land Scherzinger on the Buzzfeed “25 Foxiest Celebrity Cougars” list.
Milf is another one I would happily kick into the sea. This one was popularised by the film American Pie (1999). To be fair, Milf has launched a host of gender inclusive spinoffs, including Dilf (dads I’d like to f**k) and Gilf (grandads I’d like to f**k), but neither of those have their own category on porn websites like Milf does. Although the acronym originally referred specifically to a mother, more often than not it’s just used to denote an older woman. And after scrolling through a few porn sites to get an idea of how old your average sexy Milf is, it seems to be any woman who is over the age of 25.
There are many out there who have fully embraced the cougar label and may even find it empowering. In Cougar: A Guide for Older Women Dating Younger Men (2001), author and relationship expert Valerie Gibson defined it as a “new breed of single, older woman – confident, sophisticated, desirable, and sexy. She knows exactly what she wants. What she wants is younger men and lots of great sex.”
But, I would argue that what she finds so appealing is that the “cougar” label gives permission for an older woman to openly enjoy sex with younger men, which she never needed in the first place. Cougars are not a “new breed” of women. They are just younger women who got older. You can be hot and sexy AND over 35 without having to inhabit the socially acceptable identity of cougar. Cougar packages women’s sexuality into a palatable soundbite, rather than acknowledging the full scope of women’s desires throughout their lifetimes. You do not need a label to enjoy sex in middle age and beyond.
Personally, I intend to have sex for as long as I have the energy to spit and kneel, and I do not need a pseudo-exotic cat label to justify that.