It’s two years since George Floyd’s murder at the hands of a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Since then, George Floyd’s name has become symbolic of a cultural shift in the way we talk about race. After his murder, politicians, companies and public figures were falling over themselves in an effort to prove they were anti-racist.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) started in 2013, however, in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman for shooting and killing black teenager Trayvon Martin. One of the group’s founders, Patrisse Cullors, came up with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter, which quickly became a popular slogan.
However, there was a visible difference between the public response then and the narrative in 2020. Social media was more dominant, and global lockdowns meant people had more time to be online and organise. The #BlackLivesMatter hashtag was used roughly 47.8 million times on Twitter in the month following Floyd’s death – an average of just under 3.7 million times a day. In comparison, there were around 500,000 daily #BlackLivesMatter during the summer of 2016, which saw the fatal shootings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile.
Since 2020, BLM has also received more financial backing than ever before. Amazon, Facebook and Apple all pledged millions to anti-racism groups. Liberal funders such as George Soros, Rob McKay and other Democracy Alliance donors have given millions of dollars to groups associated with the movement.
With so much support, you would expect to see big changes being made. One of the unrelenting cries of the BLM protests across the US was: “Defund the police”. However, research by Bloomberg shows that, while a few major cities like New York and Los Angeles have made large cuts, more than half actually increased spending or kept it unchanged as a percentage of their discretionary spending.
Despite this, 49 per cent of participants in a Politico/Morning Consult poll from February 2022 blamed defunding the police for rising violent crime rates in America. Online support for BLM appeared to be inconsistent with public support for the changes they were proposing.
Recent events have also made it difficult to gauge how much real-world impact the movement has had in the US. In the year since Floyd’s murder, at least 229 black people were killed by police officers. In 2021, officers killed 1,136 people in the US – one of the deadliest years on record, according to new analysis by Mapping Police Violence.
There is also little evidence to show that BLM has improved the state of race relations in the US. Nearly a year after Floyd’s murder, only 17 per cent of Americans believed race relations were better then than they were a year ago. Earlier this month, a gunman opened fire at a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, killing 10 people in a racially motivated rampage. Outrage becomes fatigue at what seems to be an all-too-familiar pattern.
And then, earlier this month, BLM released their financial documents after years of criticism levelled at the organisation’s lack of transparency and accountability. The tax filing showed it ended its last fiscal year – from July 1 2020 to June 30 2021 — with a stunning $42 million in net assets. The tax filing confirms reports that emerged a few months prior detailing how nearly $6 million in donated cash was spent on a huge six-bedroom compound in Southern California.
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At the time, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation (BLMGNF) board member Shalomyah Bowers insisted that the residence was purchased to serve as a space for black creatives but was not able to address why so little content has been produced there over some 17 months.
The filing also showed that co-founder Patrisse Cullors paid a company owned by the father of her child almost $970,000 to “produce live events” and other “creative services”. Her brother was paid more than $840,000 for providing security services, further inviting criticism of the group’s operations.
Critics have said the findings are a symbol of waste and corruption. To me, it is less a question of what is legal or illegal, or what is deemed to be moral or immoral. No laws or rules have been broken, but the way in which the donation money is being spent is worthy of stringent critique. In a recent interview with AP, Cullors acknowledged the foundation was ill prepared to handle the influx of outside financial support.
Nearly $26 million of its expenses were grants to dozens of foundations, including $200,000 to the Florida-based Trayvon Martin Foundation. But some who are closest to the movement still feel this isn’t enough. Mothers of murdered black men have also called out BLM for spending millions on real estate and “benefiting off the blood of our loved ones”.
Over the course of two years, BLM has been given more money than it knows what to do with. Addressing the criticisms aimed at her, Cullors admitted she had made mistakes with the “white guilt” money BLM had received. She is not wrong to refer to that money as such. Wealthy white philanthropists were donating ridiculous sums of money to a cause that didn’t have a clear idea of what they wanted to achieve in an effort to – let’s face it – appear to be “doing something” about racism.
With race relations no better than they were prior to Floyd’s murder, efforts to defund the police largely abandoned, and various brutalities against black people still making headlines, it begs the question whether BLM still has any kind of legitimate future as an anti-racist campaign group. Public support for the group is waning.
In 2021, according to polling by Pew Research, the majority (54 per cent) of US adults expressed support for BLM, but this was down from 67 per cent in June 2020. My expectation is that, while the movement’s message will live on, the organisation itself will die out, with a new group eventually emerging to take its place.
Anti-racism movements face a distinct challenge in that they need both funding and support from the same corporate interests that benefit from a racist power structure. The civil rights movement in the 1960s was no different – the famous 1963 march through Washington was largely funded by white liberal organisations and foundations. As a result, the goals of the movement were diluted, as they are often changed to meet the preferences of the new funders. In his analysis of the event, Malcolm X drew attention to the influence white philanthropy and leadership held over black social justice organisations, particularly the control of funds.
BLM became a victim of its own popularity and, arguably, no progressive movement with that much support from the elite power structure can claim to be truly revolutionary. An adage often used in sociology states “wherever there is power, greed and money, there is corruption” – and it’s going to be difficult for BLM to argue that they don’t have all of those ingredients.