As the daily requests for long-term sick notes grow in my GP clinic, I am increasingly worried about the future of our nation and its wellbeing.
Earlier this week data from the Office for National Statistics revealed the number of working-age adults no longer in employment, as a result of long-term sickness, hit 2.5 million in the months to March this year. That’s nearly half a million more than pre-pandemic. This does not surprise me.
We have over 10,000 patients at my practice and we too have observed a shift in the demographic of those now off work long-term. Once predominantly middle-aged or above, we now have an increasing number of young people who feel too unwell to attend school, courses or work. It’s a concerning trend.
The steep rise in mental health problems together with the increasing NHS waiting lists is leaving people with nowhere to turn to and its desperately sad to watch. I am issuing sick notes on a daily basis for a multitude of reasons but there’s been a noticeable rise in the number of long-term sick note requests over these last few years, with conditions like poor mental health, chronic fatigue/Long Covid and musculoskeletal problems leading the way.
My efforts are always focused on supporting my patients and helping them to a point where they feel they can return back to work. But when people need access to more specialist care and the wait times for this care is months, sometimes up to a year, the sick notes simply continue.
There are multiple factors for why we are seeing an increase in the number of people experiencing high levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Life dramatically changed overnight for us all because of the pandemic, and the effects of that acute stressor are reflected in the health outcomes we are seeing today. The combination of uncertainty, isolation and fear impacted many, especially younger people, who leaned on routines and social connections.
The increased usage of digital platforms, though helpful in moderation, has brought with it a host of issues impacting our health such as device dependence and information overload, resulting in sleep disturbance and anxiety, as well as the comparison traps we fall into on social media that can contribute to disordered eating and general insecurities.
As people have tried to keep pace with working and living through a pandemic, all while dealing with the rising cost of living, it has come at a cost to their health. There is only so long people can sustain their energy at such high pressures before it catches up and they fall sick.
Just this week I spoke with a patient of mine, aged 32, who was working full-time and enjoying their job until they caught Covid 18 months ago. This individual sadly hasn’t been able to go back to work since then due to long Covid, the effects of which have left them debilitated in every way. Their mood is now very low, their zest for life dwindling, and constant aches and fatigue mean they can’t even imagine working again.
There is a lot of support we can offer in primary care, but with these types of chronic health conditions we need more research and access to secondary care services, which are crumbling under the pressure of demand. In the meantime a sick note that started at two weeks off work with Covid has now stretched to almost two years; not an uncommon occurrence as the number of people with Long Covid rises.
Working from home has been hailed as a saving grace for many in terms of flexibility and productivity. However we have seen a wave of young people who have been presenting with the newly coined “tech neck” and chronic back pain due to repetitive strain and improper posture from self-made office spaces at home. I’ve got young people who are either having to take time off work or have modified sick notes in order to continue working, leaning on pain medications whilst seeking working alternative solutions from their employers, or stuck on long wait lists for physiotherapy.
People need to work and we need to do all we can to help support them back to work, not just for their health and wellbeing, but for their livelihoods and the nation. There is no quick fix, sadly, but there is a lot that can be done to address the root causes behind some of the health conditions which are resulting in chronic work absences.
We need better access to specialist healthcare services in a timely fashion so people can get help quickly and get back to work. We need employers to provide support to their staff off sick and look for ways to keep them connected to their work, because we know that prolonged periods of sick leave reduce the likelihood of return back to work.
Britain really is trapped in a sick note crisis and it’s heartbreaking as a GP to be at the centre of it, watching the numbers rise and feeling helpless.
Dr Punam Krishan is an NHS GP in Glasgow, medical educator and director of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine