Diwali is one of the most auspicious times in the Hindu calendar. It’s a festival that represents new beginnings, one that celebrates light over dark, good over evil, and happiness over despair. During my childhood, Diwali was always a time for candles, fireworks, yummy food, new clothes and presents. As I’ve gotten older however, and navigated the varying seasons of my own life, Diwali has come to feel more symbolic every year.
As a British Indian girl, born and brought up in a working-class family in Glasgow, finding a sense of belonging was difficult. I identify as a Scot but I also have deep pride in my Indian heritage. However, it wasn’t cool when I was a kid. I never saw Indians at my school, only at the temple at weekends. I never saw Indians on the telly either, only on the Asian channels my parents watched at home. I certainly never saw Indians in Westminster, a concept too alien to even imagine.
I lived with my extended family and every year on India’s Independence Day, my grandparents would share their painful experiences of living through the British Raj. During that colonial period, Indians were excluded from top jobs in their own country and barred from many institutions. I recall the pride they felt for Indian independence but I also saw the fear they carried; a sense of low self-worth, of being eternally “less than”. As a kid it was hard to connect with the sentiments they felt. My country was here, or was it there? It was all very confusing.
I didn’t understand their fear, nor did I appreciate the limits they put on their and our dreams. But race, colour and creed sadly were a limiting factor and it’s only in recent years we’ve started to see a shift. It’s perhaps why the career options I was given were capped at: either continue working in your dad’s corner shop, or study and be a doctor, lawyer or accountant, for that’s where the Indian kids were seen in abundance.
I grew up watching the strong work ethic of my elders here in the UK. On Christmas Day, our shop was the only one open. The graft and the contributions to the country made by those generations are huge. My parents never let us forget how lucky we were to have it different to them.
Many Indians came to the UK in varying circumstances. They have worked in the NHS, pharmacies, law firms, social care, hospitality and served the British public whilst raising kids who fused British values and life with their Indian culture.
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It’s hard to explain just how novel it feels when you see a person who looks like you, has had a similar upbringing to you, but has taken the courage to step forward and break boundaries to make way for the future generations. To make them feel seen and represented in spaces our ancestors could never have even dreamt of.
And now Rishi Sunak, the first person of colour, of Indian origin, has become the Prime Minister of Great Britain. This historic milestone is a reason for celebration.
It’s important to say that my excitement is not about the politics. As a NHS doctor, I am living the nightmare of a crumbling healthcare system. The political landscape is treacherous ground, the economy is facing turbulence, but the appointment of a fellow British Indian as Prime Minister of the UK has brought me some hope. Our country is beautifully diverse, but for too long that representation hasn’t been reflected, especially in British politics. This appointment marks real positive change. Could this signify a change in other spheres too?
All the families gathered on Monday to celebrate Diwali with the news on, emotions flying; a new beginning. Perhaps it’s symbolic that it happened on the most auspicious day for Hindus, but light and hope is needed in our country just now. The country faces a tough period and the public deserves to be served with honesty, respect, humility and integrity. Someone has to stand up to the challenge to right the wrongs and steer us forward. There’s so much noise because of this, which is understandable, but can we not have a moment to appreciate how progressive this is for Britain? To celebrate how far the world has moved from colonial times to a modern-day Britain, one that’s inclusive and open to positive change?
I love that I can ask my kids what they want to do when they grow up, and contrary to what my options were, they are learning that the sky is the limit for them. That even they, children of colour, can hold the highest office in the land.
I don’t know what will happen, but as per the sentiments of his statement, let’s see what Rishi does next.
Dr Punam Krishan is an NHS GP in Glasgow, medical educator and director of the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine