When Liz Truss entered Downing Street on 6 September she thought she had a mandate for radical change.
But, according to insiders who observed subsequent events first hand, a mixture of hubris, isolation and “too much thinking time” following the death of the Queen two days after she took power, led to a series of decisions that resulted in such economic turbulence a catastrophe was only narrowly averted.
They say that Liz Truss was told the “markets would tear the country apart” at the height of the crisis triggered by her mini-Budget.
The former prime minister was initially “unfazed” by the reaction and wanted to go even further on her tax-cutting spree. But she finally surrendered to end a “Mexican stand-off” between the Bank of England and the UK’s pension fund mangaers that was threatening disaster.
Truss was forced out of office just 45 days into her premiership after blowing a £72bn hole in the public finances and losing control of her party. The extraordinary story of the country’s shortest-ever premiership is only now starting to emerge as former officials and aides lift the lid on her time at No 10.
In a series of interviews with i they have identified the key errors the former PM made in the run-up to that event and its aftermath.
Initially Truss wanted to deliver a tax-cutting, radical budget within days of taking office. It was intended to deliver the key promises she had made during her leadership campaign.
Its central plank was scrapping a national insurance hike that was intended to raise cash for the NHS and social care. That was an expensive tax cut but one that had been well flagged in advance, and the whole initial package included nothing that she had not publicly spoken about on the campaign trail, insist former allies.

The plan to “hit the ground running” hit a snag, however, when Truss was told that the Office for Budget Responsibility, which provides independent information about the likely impact of budgets, needed at least 10 weeks to go through the books line by line.
“We weren’t going to wait around 10 weeks for the OBR to do its forecast – that was the first major error,” said one close observer.
Truss, however, was forced to wait – not because of financial prudence but something far bigger. The death of Queen Elizabeth II created a pause in No 10 as normal politics shut down during a fortnight of national mourning – and it was that space that did more than anything to derail the fledgling regime, say observers.
“What happened in that two weeks was a lot of thinking time, and with thinking time comes policy ideas,” they said. “So what happened is that it expanded quite aggressively as the government wasn’t allowed to do anything. It expanded and expanded and expanded as ideas were going in left, right and centre.”
Truss’s chief economics advisor Matt Sinclair, a former executive at the right wing Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), has been blamed for allowing what one former advisor called a “libertarian free-for-all”. Others insist, however, that Truss herself needed no persuading.
All sides agree that in that period she felt all-powerful. One former ally described her “high after the leadership win”, another said she was “drunk on success”.
Her desire to make progress on a pro-enterprise and small-state agenda must also have been intensified by the fact that her first major announcement – huge subsidies for household energy bills – was the opposite.
During the leadership campaign she had rejected talk of “handouts” insisting instead that there would be “targeted support’. Truss was then persuaded that unless she took decisive action to limit bills she would be hobbled by the issue from the start. Some have speculated that the mini-Budget was an over-correction as she sought to tilt back to her ideological instincts.
The prime minister had become isolated as she made the decisions that were to doom her. She was spending her time on official mourning duties, often with King Charles, and had changed her phone number several times during the previous few months.

One of the very few figures with access was Kwarteng. The pair holed themselves up in her Downing Street flat working in total secrecy on the details of the fateful mini-Budget.
The key to understanding Truss’s downfall is the absence of any moderating influence during this period, say former allies. “This was the first time in her whole career she didn’t have a boss, reining her in,” said one. That might be true of every first-time premier but Truss had also neutered the two most senior civil servants who in normal times might have steered her off the rocks.
Tom Scholar, the Treasury permanent secretary, was sacked on day one and Simon Case, the cabinet secretary, had been told he was out even before won the leadership election.
Although she later changed her mind on Case, warming to him as he managed the complex transition and mourning period with quiet efficiency, the mandarin knew he was, at best, on borrowed time.
As for the Treasury officials, no one was very keen to follow Scholar out of the door by offering unwelcome (because wise) advice. “I’ve seen reports saying that ministers were warned. I’m not sure that’s true,” says a close observer. “I think it was more of a case of sitting on their hands or even ‘give them enough rope to hang themselves’.”
The mistakes were starting to multiply: having insisted that she wanted to scrap the national insurance rise as soon as possible, Truss then became wedded to a “mini” Budget she then started to fill with other policies championed by the IEA and other right-wing think tanks.
She and Kwarteng had always intended to make some cuts to public spending to fund at least some of the tax cuts, but appeared to have assumed that the markets would somehow assume their small state credentials were as good as hard numbers.
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In the event, already unsettled by the huge energy support scheme Truss had already announced, the package of unfunded tax cuts led to a dramatic loss of faith in the UK government’s ability to pay its debts – causing the price of that debt to spiral. The consequences in terms of increased interest payments to public finances were awful.
But it was the decision to cut tax for those earning over £150,000 that came to encapsulate the mini-Budget’s folly. “The markets thought, ‘if they are capable of doing this, what else could they do? They have no boundaries,’” said a senior official.
The cut to the 45p tax rate was a very closely kept secret – Truss was furious that a handful of others in No 10 found out days before. She had good reason: there had already been one unsuccessful attempt to blow the whistle.
A plan to cut stamp duty was leaked the weekend before the statement but to the disappointment of some the story failed to create any serious backlash. It did, however, further poison the atmosphere in Downing Street where an inexperienced team was foundering.
Truss had amazed her close allies by appointing Mark Fullbrook, a political consultant, to be her chief of staff, passing over her longstanding aide Ruth Porter. Fullbrook had no experience of Whitehall let alone No 10 or any great aptitude for one the most challenging roles in government – and now Porter, made to be his deputy, had no authority.
“It’s not Mark’s fault. He had absolutely none of the skills or experience to be chief of staff,” a close observer said.
The Downing Street press operation meanwhile, a unit that has served to alert many previous prime ministers to perils ahead, was banished from its normal base close to the Cabinet room to a remote corner of the building.

“The communications side of the operation wasn’t massively enthused about what was being developed,” says an observer with studied understatement. Jamie Hope, the head of Truss’s policy unit, was similarly banished for voicing concern.
As the pound plunged and the price of UK debt soared in the days following the mini-Budget, Truss wanted to double down, according to senior officials: “Having seen the adverse reaction both political and then in the markets after the autumn statement Liz was particularly unfazed by it. She wanted to go further – and there is evidence of that: if you look at the ‘growth plan’ there is a commitment to review Britain’s entire tax code with a view to simplifying it and to provide incentives. They absolutely wanted to go further.
“There was a feeling of, ‘It’s us against the world, we must keep going, we need to win this battle against social democracy, the Blob or whatever.’”
Truss retreated to a small core of Cabinet allies: Thérèse Coffey, Simon Clarke and Kwarteng in a circle of trust, with Jacob Rees-Mogg on the periphery. All other members of the Cabinet were excluded.
It wasn’t until five days later that the prime minister started to accept the full gravity of the situation, according to those who observed her at close quarters. The Bank of England’s move to announce it was prepared to buy up £65bn worth of UK debt was intended to shore up a market. Crucially, the Bank made clear it was only prepared to intervene for a limited period. This was a short-term facility to allow pension funds space to sort themselves out, the Bank said, the implication being that it was not a long-term crutch.
Truss was told that without the intervention at least one major pension fund was within hours of going under. “That was when she and Kwasi started to get it.”
Another key figure said: “The first few days of [Conservative conference], that’s when she first starts to think, ‘I might not be prime minister in six weeks.’” In a bid to fend off the wolves, Truss forced Kwarteng to announce he was scrapping the move to cut the 45p tax cut. The U-turn blunted the anger but burnt the goodwill of backers who had defended it.
Ten days later, the economic reality of the situation delivered a final coup de grace as pressure mounted to scrap the remaining tax cuts, including a very expensive cancellation of planned business levies.
The Bank’s intervention had calmed the market but its Governor, Andrew Bailey, was determined to make good on his warning that it wouldn’t keep propping up the price of UK government debt. With the deadline for the withdrawal of the facility looming, that threw the question of how to calm the markets back to Truss.

“That was when it was like, ‘If you don’t U-turn on corporation tax we’re going to become a Third World country,” an observer said. “The Treasury were coming and saying, ‘There is a Mexican standoff between the Bank and the pension funds. The Bank is withdrawing its intervention and it’s a game of ‘blink’. That was really serious, we were being told there was a real danger that the markets would tear the country apart.”
Truss did as she was told – even sacking her friend Kwarteng as chancellor and installing Jeremy Hunt. From one perspective the logic was faultless – if the overriding imperative was calming the markets he could not credibly remain in post.
And yet Kwarteng still believed he would survive until the last, telling friends during a visit to Washington that Truss would be politically doomed if she fired him.
She, it is said, agreed. “They are already coming for me,” she told him as she dismissed him on his return to London. Too late, she could at last see the future. Within a week she was gone.